

Writer & Poet


Prize winning poems, a short story dispenser & 2022 events


2022 is rushing by and I have a few exciting things in store over the next few months!

Firstly, this month you can read one of my blackout poems in issue two of a new magazine for kids aged 10-14. Flight is a quarterly illustration and story magazine, featuring artists and writers from all over the world. You can check out the magazine here

17 & 18 September 2022 in Perth: I'll be teaming up with fabulous illustrator Cindy Lane to run a poem-and-art mini workshop at the Scribblers Festival Family Weekend. More on that soon. 

I've just signed a contract for two flash fiction pieces to be included in an anthology of short stories for grownups. That will be out in October 2022. 


This month I've been buried in paperwork and filing from 2021. I had a busy year last year!

2021 highlights

April: two flash fiction pieces published in a short story anthology for grownups (Twice Not Shy).

May: The School Magazine's Countdown magazine reprinted my poem 'Bookmarks' with a stunning illustration by Tohby Riddle.

June: one of my flash fiction stories made the shortlist in WA's Love to Read Local Flash Fiction Competition. Then all the shortlisted stories went into the short story dispenser in Raine Square in Perth City! (It's a bit like a vending machine for short stories instead of snacks.)

September: two poems in Teaching Poetry for Pleasure and Purpose, a teaching resource written by Sally Murphy and published by the Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA). 

November: the CJ Dennis Poetry Competition awarded my poem 'Magpie Season' first place in the children's choice category for adults writing for children, and second place in the category judged by adults. 

That's enough for now, really! 

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